Two Rosewater Perfumes, 1559

These recipes are from a book which I found sitting amongst the medical texts at my local university library.  It is titled The Treasure of Euonimus and is dated 1559.  I think you can also download a copy of this through Google Play.  I have scaled down my recipe somewhat from the original but you can always message me for the original quantities or look at the manuscript itself.  They only take about 25 hours to make, so you can whip up some while you wait on the previous recipe.


Camphor Rose Perfume–add 1/2 tbsp of camphor to 4 oz of rosewater.  You can mix this up in a mason jar and seal it tightly.  Since this does not contain alcohol, you can enhance the scent by immersing it in a water bath which I described in my Lavender Water recipe.  Be careful and gentle if you choose to do this.  After 25 hours have passed (no kidding, the recipe specifically says 25 hours) you can strain off the camphor and use your new scent.  I think it makes the rosewater slightly bracing and refreshing.


Clove Rose Perfume–add 1 tsp of dried cloves to 4 oz. of rosewater.  You can seal this up in a jar just as in the previous recipe.  You can also do a water bath here because it contains no alcohol.  Once again, just be careful and gentle.  After 25 hours ( the magic number it seems) your scent is ready.  I left my cloves in the mix, but you can strain them off if you like.  The cloves give your rosewater a slightly spicy scent which I find delightful.



Next time we’ll cover something not in the perfume department.  Recently I have been helping a friend with a business project and have been redacting “A Treatment for the Prevention & Cure of Sunburn” from the 12th century medical text known as the Trotula.

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